Day 227 新詩˙心詩-[心之所嚮]
爲什麼 他們總在錯誤的時間認識錯誤的你
爲什麼 爲何沒有人告訴他們認識真正的你
我渴望 有一天他們懂你
Why they don’t know you?
Aren’t you created they?
Aren’t you taking care of them?
Why they don’t recognize you?
You have never change,
Yesterday, today are the same.
If we didn’t tell the good news
If we don’t care them
They will never know.
Until someone told them
Until your love touch them
People fought them seek for someone
But them don’t is you they seek
They need you, you know.
But you gave them chance to choose
Accept or not
Is your choose
I can’t help too make your mind
Free Will it’s a gift from heaven
That I can’t help just can hope
Wish you made right decision.
That is my only hope.