No one can know me as you know
No one can understand my situation more than you
No one that I can depend on
I can’t depend on my family, friend, my ability
They will all gone in one day
No one can keep his promise like you did
There is none like you
No one else can touch my heart the way like you do
You call me by my name
I just want to holding on your hand
Take all of me on your alter to exchange all of you
They are all belongs to you
My filling, my soul, my heart, everything of me are all yours
Although even everything that surrounds me are falling apart,
Everything are changing, that can’t change the way you love me
I put my felling at your feet, Lord
Make me go through the valley of tears
Like a butterfly come out from its own egg
Maybe is not the way I like the most, but it is not the end
So, I live for you Lord
By faith not by sight
I know when there the time is come, you will make me fly
Until now,
I’ll be still, and have confidence in you
Cause your way is higher than my way
Let my heart sing a joyful song to you
Thank you! My beautiful savior